Prefixes and suffixes
Prefixes and suffixes
Words with a different grammatical form or
meaning can be derived from a base word using prefixes and suffixes. By
understanding how these prefixes and suffixes work, it is often easier to deal
with unknown vocabulary. You can sometimes see what part of speech a word is
(verb, noun, adjective etc.), or additional information that a prefix may give.
Changes in grammatical form.
The noun 'power' can be used as an
adjective by adding the suffix ~ful (powerful). The adverbial form is made by
adding the suffix ~ly to the adjective (powerfully).
The verb 'to improve' becomes a noun by
adding the suffix ~ment (improvement). The same root word can also become a
verb (improvise)
The noun 'nation' changes into an adjective
with the suffix ~al (national), and by adding another suffix
~ize the word changes from an adjective to
a verb (nationalize)
The adjective 'special' can change to a
verb (specialize) or a noun (speciality).
Changes in meaning.
Prefixes and suffixes can also change the
meaning of a word.
The meaning of 'possible' is reversed with
the addition of the prefix im~ (impossible).
To 'overeat' means to eat too much and if
food is undercooked, it is not cooked enough.
Some suffixes commonly denote an
Eg. The verb 'to teach' is transformed into
the occupation with the suffix ~er (teacher).
Both grammatical changes and changes in
meaning can be applied to the same base word.
Eg. The noun 'interest' can be made an
adjective and given opposite meaning by adding a prefix and a suffix ~un….~ing
Changes in pronunciation.
When prefixes and suffixes are added to
root words, the word stress sometimes changes.
Eg. Noun &
verb: 'photograph'. Adjective:
'photographic'. Opposite: 'unphotographic'.
Person: 'photographer'.
In English the word stress is often on the
third syllable from the end.
Overleaf is a list of the most common
suffixes and prefixes and the grammatical and meaning changes that they apply
to root words.
What Are Prefixes?
•Prefixes are first syllables like “non-”
and “re-” that have their own meaning.
•Prefixes combine with words to create new
1.Pre + View = Preview (first look)
2.Super + Star = Superstar (top player)
Why Learn Prefixes?
•Prefixes add meaning to thousands of words.
•Learn a few prefixes, and you open up the
meaning of thousands of words.
•The four most frequent prefixes are 97% of prefixed words!
Most Common Prefixes
1. a = without : amoral, apolitical, atypical
2. ante = before : antecedent, antedate
3. anti = against, opposing : anti-war,
4. arch = more extreme : arch-capitalist,
5. auto = self : auto-dial, auto-rotate
6. bi = two, twice : bilingual, bisect,
7. circum = round : circumnavigate,
8. co = with : co-author, co-edit
9. col, com, con = with : collaborate,
combine, connect
10. contra,
counter = against, opposing : contraception, counter-claim
11. de = opposite action : declassify, destroy
12. dia = across : diagonal, diameter
13. dis = not, opposite of : disagree,
disprove, distrust, disbelief
14. dys = abnormal : dyslexia,
15. e = electronic : e-literate, e-book
16. eco = relating to the environment :
eco-tourism, eco-disaster
17. en(m) = cause to : encode, embrace
18. equi = equal : equidistant,
19. ex = previously : ex-president,
20. extra = very : extra-bright,
21. extra = outside : extra-curricular,
22. fore = before : forecast
23. hyper = having too much : hyperactive,
24. il, im, in, ir = not : illogical,
impossible, indistinct, irrational
25. in(m) = in, movement to: input, inset,
intake, implant, import
26. inter = between, connected : interrelated,
27. intra = within : intra-generational,
28. kilo = thousand : kilogram, kilometer,
29. macro =
large in size or scope : macro-economics, macro-scale
30. mal =
badly : malfunction, malpractice
31. micro =
small in size or scope : micro-economics, micro-scale
32. mid = middle : midway
33. mis = wrongly : mistake, mistranslate,
34. mono = one : mono-centric, monoculture
35. multi = many : multicultural,
36. neo = based on something older but in new form :
37. non = not : non-believer, non-competitive,
38. out = more, to a greater extent :
outnumber, outlive
39. over = over/above/too much : overlook, overcook, overhead
40. post =
after : post-examination, post-modern
41. pre = before : pre-industrial, preview,
42. pro = in favour of : pro-feminist,
43. pseudo = false : pseudo-intellectual,
44. quasi = almost, not quite :
quasi-academic, quasi-legal
45. re = again : rediscover, redefine, rename,
46. retro = backwards : retrogressive,
47. semi = half, partly : semicircle, semi-organic, semi-precious
48. sub =
under, beneath, part of something: submarine, subsection
49. super = above, bigger : superpower,
supersonic, superstar
50. trans = across : transcontinental,
transcribe, transport
51. ultra = extreme : ultra-sensitive,
52. un = not : uncertain, unusual,
unscrew, unplug, unfriendly
53. under =
insufficient, under, beneath : underemployed, undersea
54. well = useful, successful :
well-designed, well-written
Now we will turn our
attention to suffixes
Suffixes for
Suffixes for
Suffixes for
~er ~ful ~ive ~ize
~ness ~age ~ic ~al ~ise
~sion ~sis ~able ~ed ~yse
~tion ~ism ~ible ~ing ~ate
~ty ~ity ~ous ~ish ~ent
~al ~ant ~y ~ly ~en
~ance ~ssion ~like ~some ~ify
~ship ~worthy ~fy
~th ~ct
~ght ~cess ~fine
~ful ~ive
Suffixes for Suffixes for Suffixes for
Adverbs Professions
& people University
~ly ~er ~ics
~ily ~ess
(female) ~y
~ely ~or ~ing
~ingly ~ian ~ism
Suffixes for
What Are Suffixes?
Suffixes are last syllables like “ed” and “ly” that have their own
Suffixes combine with words to create new meanings.
1.Turn +
ed = Turned (in the past)
2. Quick
+ ly = Quickly (how it turned)
Why Learn Suffixes?
Suffixes add meaning to thousands of words.
Learn a few Suffixes, and you open up the
meaning of thousands of words.
The four most frequent suffixes are 97% of suffixed
Most Common Suffixes
1. -able, ible = can be done : identifiable, predictable
2. -al,
ial = has property of : personal
3. -ant = having an effect : coolant,
4. –based = forming a major part of : computer-based, oil-based
5. –cy = state or quality : accuracy,
literacy, urgency
6. -ed* =
past verb : turned
7. –ee = person affected by something :
interviewee, trainee, addressee
8. -en =
made of : golden
9. -er =
comparative : higher
10. -er =
one who : doer, actor
11. -est =
superlative : best, biggest
12. –free = without : debt-free, pain-free
13. –ful = full of : careful, joyful
14. –hood = state, condition, period : adulthood,
15. –ic = having property of, connected
with : linguistic, photographic, electric
16. –ics = study of : genetics,
17. –ify = give something a quality :
clarify, purify, solidify
18. –ing* = present participle : running
19. –ism = belief, behaviour : modernism,
20. – ist = person with specific beliefs
or behaviour : anarchist, optimist
21. –(t)ion = act, process : action
22. –(i)ty = state of : infinity, sanity
23. –(t)ive = adjective : motive, votive
–ize, -ise = bring about a state or condition : modernize/modernize,
25. –less = without : fearless, careless,
childless, meaningless
26. –like = resembling : bird-like,
child-like, hook-like
27. –ly* = having : quickly, quietly
28. –ment = action, process : enjoyment
29. –ness = quality or state of :
kindness, effectiveness, openness
30. –ocracy = type of ruling body :
meritocracy, bureaucracy
31. –ocrat = person ruling : technocrat,
32. –ology, -ological = study of :
archaeology, biology, biological, geology, physiological
33. –ous = having : joyous, religious
34. –proof = protected against, safe from
: waterproof, dustproof
35. –s* = more than one : books
–ship = state or experience of having a specific position : professorship,
20. –y = having : happy, windy
Use these suffixes correctly, and you look and sound pretty smart.
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